6 Fruits that Help in Better Digestion

If the digestive system of a person is disturbed, nothing pleases him. When you are at your favorite food restaurant and having sumptuous food, you cannot resist over-eating. This practice of gluttony sometimes becomes irritable for the digestive system. An upset stomach leads to indigestion which further results in nausea, heartburn, and severe stomach pain. To make the stomach run smoothly, one has to follow a regime that includes healthy fruits. In this article, we will discuss a few fruits which are very good for the digestive system.


This god gifted fruit has immense benefits for health. Apricots are full of vitamin C and increase the immunity of a person. Its benefits for skin are peerless. Moreover, the fiber content in apricots keeps the digestive system in a shape to work optimally. It also hinders constipation to deteriorate your health and allows your digestive system to work perfectly.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away is an adage that beautifully sums up its efficacy. It is a perfect remedy for digestive issues. The pectin fiber in apples averts diarrhea and constipation both at bay. Pectin is a boon which is soluble and eliminates the unwanted cholesterol level in your body.


Kiwi is very good for keeping the digestive system in good shape. Actinidin is an enzyme present in Green kiwi that strengthens the digestive system. The high fiber content in Kiwi has a mild laxative effect which is good for digestion. Two kiwis have enough fiber content required for an average person for a day. This keeps the colon health great and digestive system often running.


Banana is also enriched with fiber content that regulates the bowel and regularizes the digestive system. Banana also carries the antacid which fights against the ulcers that are built-in stomach and combats against the bacteria that cause such ulcers. Banana is the best remedy for diarrhea patients and also soothes a person having heartburning issues.


Guavas are tasty and crunchy fruits that have surprising effects when it comes to the disturbing belly. Guava is also a very rich source of dietary fiber. As per famous nutritionist, 1 guava is enough to fulfill almost 14 percent requirement of the whole day. Moreover, the seeds of guava are very healthy and carry laxatives that help in having a smoother stool.


Mangoes are delicious and considered as the king of fruits. Mangoes not only taste heavenly but have enzymes that breakdown the food making it easier for the digestion process. The fiber content in mangoes is also on the higher side which optimizes the digestion process. The dietary fiber lowers the chances of attaining the symptoms of diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases.

If these fruits are included in one’s diet, it is highly likely that he/she would never have any digestion issues. These fruits can be taken by eating them directly or by having their juice. One can eat them anytime. There is no restriction of time in it. It is better to eat these fruits instead of eating unhealthy snacks.

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    Huyen Trang Dang

    Huyen Trang Dang works as a Creative Manager in an international shoe company. Her core competencies are social media marketing and brand building. Even though Dang is a graduate in Business Economics; she has been working as a Social Media ... [ Read more ]